Exton Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes – Get Balance in the New Year

Happy New Year, everyone! Somnath Sikdar here from Dragon Gym Martial Arts & Fitness. As we step into this new year, many of us are thinking about our resolutions. How do we become happier, healthier, and more successful? You’ll find a surprising answer with our Exton Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes (Exton BJJ), and I’m excited to share with you how it can bring balance to both your mind and body, facilitating personal growth.

Exton Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes - Get Balance in the New Year

A Journey of Personal Evolution

First, let’s talk about balance. Not just physical balance (though BJJ will definitely help with that), but the balance in our lives. As adults, especially those with careers and families, we often juggle multiple responsibilities. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Here’s where our Exton Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes come in as more than just a martial art – it’s a framework for life.

Exton Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes: A Mental Game Changer

BJJ is often called ‘human chess’ because of its strategic nature. It demands mental acuity and patience. As you grapple, you’re not just using your body; you’re employing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It’s a fantastic way to clear your mind of the day’s stress. Just like in life, sometimes you’re in control, and sometimes you have to defend and bide your time. This art teaches you resilience and adaptability – crucial skills for any professional navigating the complexities of modern life.

Physical Benefits of Exton BJJ: More Than Just Getting Fit

On the physical side, Exton BJJ offers a full-body workout. It’s not just about strength; it’s about learning to use your body efficiently. Flexibility, coordination, and endurance improve significantly. But it’s more than just getting fit. BJJ promotes a deeper understanding of your body, teaching you to listen to its limits and capabilities. This awareness translates into better posture, reduced risk of injury, and improved overall health.

The Camaraderie Factor

Now, let’s talk about community. The bonds formed on the mats with our Exton Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes are unlike any other. BJJ practitioners support and push each other to be better. It’s a microcosm of society where respect, humility, and learning from one another are paramount. For professionals who often feel isolated in their daily grind, the sense of community in BJJ can be a game changer.

Applying BJJ Principles in Daily Life

Here’s a fun fact: I’ve used BJJ principles in business meetings! The art teaches you to stay calm under pressure, to think a few steps ahead, and to be patient for the right opportunity. These skills are invaluable, whether you’re navigating a challenging negotiation at work or trying to balance work and family life.

Starting Your BJJ Journey

As you think about joining a BJJ class, remember: it’s not about being the strongest or the most athletic. It’s about growth and improvement. Every class, every roll on the mats, is a step towards a better you. And the best part? You don’t have to do it alone. You’ll be part of a community that cheers for each other’s success.

New Year, New You – With BJJ

As we enter this New Year, I encourage you to think beyond the typical resolutions. Consider how a practice like BJJ can offer you a unique path to achieving balance in your life. It’s not just about the physical aspect; it’s about developing a resilient mindset, forming meaningful connections, and growing continuously, both personally and professionally.

Final Thoughts on our Exton Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes

To wrap up, I’ll borrow a concept from Nassim Taleb – having “skin in the game”. When you commit to something challenging like BJJ, you’re investing in yourself in a way that’s deeply personal and immensely rewarding. This investment is what turns a New Year’s resolution into a lifelong journey of growth and balance.

Join us on the mats, and let’s make this year the start of something extraordinary. Here’s to a balanced, healthy, and successful New Year!

Exton Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes – How to Get Started

First, we get started with the DG Intro Program. Just fill out the form below to check out the class schedules and set up your first class.

The intro program is a way for you to test-drive the classes, meet the instructors, and see how our programs can help you reach your goals! That way you’ll be sure to feel 100% comfortable joining the regular group classes.

Plus, if after your first three classes, you decide Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn’t for you, we’ll give you a full refund. No strings attached. You can even keep the Gi. You see, there’s no downside to getting started. But, there’s massive potential for upside!

Complete the form below to get more information on this introductory program and our weekly self-defense video course.

Plus, you’ll get our SPECIAL REPORT –> The Fast Track to Self-Defense: How BJJ Helps You Learn to Fight and Defend Yourself Faster Than Any Other Martial Art

Fill out this form to get access to trial offers, schedules, pricing and web specials!

Cognitive Benefits of Martial Arts for Children

The Science of Martial Arts: Unleashing Cognitive Power in Kids

Imagine your child excelling in school, making new friends, and developing a strong sense of self-confidence. This might sound like a dream, but it’s a reality that can be achieved through the power of martial arts. In this blog post, we’ll explore the science behind the cognitive benefits of martial arts for children and how it can contribute to their academic success in the new year.

The Cognitive Benefits of Martial Arts for Children

The Cognitive Benefits of Martial Arts:

  1. Improved Focus and Concentration:

Martial arts training requires a high level of focus and concentration. Through consistent practice, children develop the ability to stay on task and ignore distractions. This improved focus can translate to better performance in school, especially during tests and exams.

  1. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills:

In martial arts, students learn to analyze and adapt to different situations quickly. This ability to think critically and make fast decisions helps children develop their problem-solving skills. As a result, they become better equipped to handle challenges both inside and outside the classroom.

  1. Increased Memory Retention:

A key component of martial arts training is the memorization of various techniques and movements. This practice helps improve memory retention, which can be beneficial for children in school as they learn new subjects and retain information for tests and exams.

  1. Boosted Self-Confidence:

As children progress in their martial arts training, they gain a sense of accomplishment and mastery. This, in turn, boosts their self-confidence. This newfound confidence can help them take on new challenges in school and in life.

The Psychological Benefits of Martial Arts:

  1. Stress Reduction:

Martial arts training provides an outlet for children to release pent-up energy and stress. The physical activity and focus required during training can help reduce anxiety and improve overall mental well-being.

  1. Emotional Regulation:

Through martial arts, children learn to control their emotions and react calmly to stressful situations. This emotional regulation can help them navigate the social and academic challenges they face in school.

  1. Improved Social Skills:

Martial arts classes provide a supportive and inclusive environment for children to make new friends and develop social skills. The camaraderie and teamwork fostered in these classes can help children build strong and lasting friendships.


The science behind martial arts and its cognitive and psychological benefits for children is undeniable. By enrolling your child in a martial arts program, you’re not only helping them develop their physical abilities but also unlocking their full cognitive and emotional potential. As we enter the new year, consider giving your child the gift of martial arts and watch as they thrive both in and out of the classroom.